Do we have control over our destiny or does our destiny have control over us, how does one determine if our destiny is the right path to follow, myself i feel i am destined to be a writer but who knows what 1 mile down the road of life might hold, my destiny might lay away from the path in life that i have envision for myself.
Do we walk through life thinking i am in control of my own fate, when in the blink of an eye our world can be turned upside down, we try to control as much as possible but that's not always the case no matter how much we plan ahead and try to control every aspect that some outside force will blow in like a tornado and wipe that slate clean leaving everything we attempted to control in tatters for us to start over and try again, in a sense we can control our fate to a certain extent but in the end fate controls us whether we like it or not.
You've captured very nicely how fickle the whole thing can be.
Yep, we think we're in control, but in reality we can only control little bits of the world and how it relates to our lives. Where I am in my life right now, I've decided to let life happen and see where it goes. I seem to have discovered a patch of serenity where nothing much is bothering me. Let's see how long it lasts.
Enjoyed this read :)
It's not what fate brings us but rather what we do with our fate.
once i read.."how others treat you is there karma; how you treat them is yours" : ) to STAND for what you know is matter what happens..STAND..the rest of the world can crumble around you..paradigm shift...and the real you emerges!! ((hugs))
I think the best we can do is control our reactions to each situation life throws at us. How we endure the journey is sometimes more important than any amount of control we may or may not have over a situation. Just buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Cheers, Jenn.
Wonderfully done! I guess it's only in the "starting over again" that we really have any control.
Very thought provoking~And truly when our lives are left in tatters, the only control we have is how we react to what has turned our world upside down.
Thank you for sharing : )
The tornado is a reminder that we really aren't in control of much.
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